Wednesday 8 May 2013

Meeting Report: Hobbies Night

Hobbies was the theme of the night. And with mother's day just next Sunday we were also going to decorate a tea candle holder only to realize last minute that we couldn't find the glass paint in the stores! No Panic, there is no activity that can't be stretched to fill a 15 minute gap!

So sat in a circle we went through every single cub's hobbies and we have 12 of them! We had a few questions prepared as well to help us focus on some facts about what they enjoy doing.

So in our pack we have a swimmer who take swimming very seriously and wants to be an Olympian.
4 footballers, one of them a goalkeeper with trophies and medals. I have to say having more than 100 of these awards at such a young age was not an uncommon occurrence amongst our sport personalities!

We have an author, with a book already in a competition aspiring to be Roald Dahl.

We have collectors of teddy bears, toy cars, fighter planes, and rubber erasers... we have gamers, spending hours in league online games.

I have to make a foot note here; We need to be aware that some online games are not suitable for our young ones, I would like to make this clear that parents need to be aware of the ratings and that we as scouters need to play our role safeguarding the children.

Footnote aside, we have a pack that is interested in a variety of things and we can integrate this to our program.

For Mother's day we had an activity that didn't run but we also had an invitation for our local church with a lovely message about how mother's day began in the Church of England.

So Next Sunday our group will parade at our local church or st Agnes and have breakfast with mum before the service.

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