Wednesday 1 May 2013

Cubs Space Camp - Part 2

Our Camp Badge
Months ago I started planning the end of May camp for my cubs.

I am using the first person here because is my blog and I log my personal account of it. The truth is that it was a team work and I am just the Leader In Charge of this residential experience.

In Fact if I act my role correctly I will have to do nothing more than the rest of my team, however as I want to gain my nights away permit I can not resist to be involved with everything, just this once, to get a good feel of the width and breadth of things.

Planning was helped by getting my bearings right (thanks scoutsmastercg) and cutting it down to addressing "What will happen When and by Whom", a simple list of Task, names and Dates should be enough to mark this down. An hour's meeting, 10 minutes if you have an experienced team, should do it.

The "How" that concerns method, tools, equipment and resources is Preparation, easy to do once it's split among the team members, once you got the planning out of the way!

Another big help came from a scout leader from 2nd Bracknell, who answered to my forum post and emailed me Excel sheets used from previous camps. Browsing through the excels gave me a good idea of how little I needed to sort out. What made me very happy is that a good 75% of what was needed to be marked and checked, I've already had completed! I was more ahead of the game than I thought I was and I had a good guideline of what to deal with next.

Some items regarding the planning are decided between us leaders, now it was time to involve the Cubs. We have the Camp Site we have a time table, mostly about the Breakfast Lunch Dinner slots and some scouting stuff in between, now we need the flesh, the activities and games.

With the theme decided by the planning team as the "War of the Worlds!" we can focus on the activities and more to the point, ask our Cubs what they want to get out of the 3 days camping.

We are at this point now that every decision is about the fun stuff we will do, it is a happy place to be and we also have managed to raise some extra cash from a special fund raising activity to buy ourselves the bespoke camp Badges, a picture of which you can see at the top of this blog, to get some equipment and material to play a few games when there and to cover contingencies.

Oh yeah, and Food!

We are not out of pocket! We are not out of steam! We are not out of time!


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