Sunday 27 January 2013

Cubs Space Camp

First entry of 2013! Hello!

It has been a while since my last entry, I think it's a good one as it's all about planning the Cub Scouts spring camp!

Last night after our regular Monday meeting at the scout hut we had the first planning meeting for the camping! So I will account the events so far starting from the canceled camping in October.

October we tried to make it happen, camping in Autumn with a halloween theme but sadly that did not happen. There is a separate blog entry for that in Scouting Yarns.

Since then we decided that we really need the next one to be planned well in advance and with plenty of time to raise funds and plan the activities and stir up some excitement.

So end of November we scouted for sites and we decided to book Cray's Pond for a weekend in May.

The dates moved a bit, due to other leader's commitments, eventualy settling for the 24th 25th and 26th of May. That's the weekend start of Half Term, a tricky period for parents who allready have plans to take advantage of the half term break. We know that but we hope to get them on our side early enough so they won't mind and support us.

So 2012 ended with a camp site, the site's cost, the camp dates and a low number of cubs; only 8 come to our regular meetings with a few more comming up from beavers in spring.

We also got a Leader in Charge, your's truly... Where to start?

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