Tuesday 13 November 2012

HOBO HOB (or Stove if you must)

One of the things you must try with your group is the Hobo Stove, cooking on a tin can!

There are a lot of instructions on how to make one, available on the internet, if you search for hobo stove but whatever you do, make sure you use a large enough tin can (a no.10 tin can as they say) and take some time to cut / punch or experiment with the design you think will work for you...

You should take your time to make as it is not something you can do during an evening session.

I went to our Monday meeting with a collection of what I thought were large cans but the "old scouters" had even bigger ones! So I was happy to use theirs!

It's also worth mentioning that our tins were cleaned, the business end is the bottom of the tin and that was cleaned properly. Also remember it's best to look the part too, it should look like they actually cook with a tin can, something others would just throw away! Hobo style!

We had a stove per pair of scouts, that worked out very well for us.

For fuel/heat we used three tea-lights, next to each-other, under the tin elevated near the top by smaller cans.

That produced a very gentle hot surface, it will not fry but it will cook given enough time. We were indoors and all the stoves where on our normal tables for crafts etc.

We used pieces of toast cut in circles (pint glass cutter) a couple of eggs beaten in a bowl per pair of cubs, a small cup of vegetable oil and a fork.

Put a tiny amount of the oil directly on the bottom of the can, if you have cleaned the tin can. Then stick some bread in the egg bowl, make sure it soaks up the egg mix and when the oil is hot enough just put the eggy-bread on it!  Turn it occasionally.


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