With camp-fire songs, repeat-after-me songs and action songs, time passes by, the program fills up and moments that stay in the minds of all the scouts are created.
It's loads of fun but its not something we can all do. What I mean is that some of us are more self aware than others, especially when it comes to opening our mouth to sing. I think it took me a year or so before I loosen up enough to enjoy a sing-along.
Come to think of it, it was always a difficult one for me, even as a young scout I found it hard, hating being on the spot with my shouting voice and gold-fish memory for lyrics...
Nevertheless I will try my best and find enjoyment even in things I am not too good at. It's all part of the game!
As a scout leader the trick was to find songs I enjoy singing and Kumbaya was not one of them, let me tell you. So every time I listen to a song that I think it's weird or silly enough I make sure I find the lyrics and get it to the meeting for the scouts to try it out.
Now have a few songs that "Won Tolla does".
The first song I came across was the classic do as I do song, the Penguin song, with actions and everything. Sometimes when I think I found a new exciting song, it turns out to be an old scouting staple. Old scouts tend to say "Oh Yeah! we know this song!" but what they don't say is that they are glad to find someone silly enough to do it!
Lately I have been trying to remember the 2-3 Greek Scouting songs we used to do with my patrol on camps and around the fire. I seem to remember there were not that many of them and the single more popular one we used to do every time was the "Θυμήσου όπου πας / Remember Wherever You Go" one, which Ironically I had forgotten completely...
What I haven't forgotten is how it made us all feel warm and together around the camp fire.